Why Your Child Needs a Flu Vaccine

One of Grandville, Michigan's Leading Pediatrician Doctors Discusses the Flu Vaccine for Children

Dr. Jeffrey Manta, Medical Doctor and Pediatrician, owns and directs the Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI—our esteemed pediatric doctor believes in immunizations and is skilled, experienced, licensed, and board-certified in treating children from newborns to 18.

Our doctor discusses why a flu vaccine is vital to your child, six months and older, and to reinforce and follow the guidelines set by the CDC.

Why Does My Child Need a Flu Vaccine?

Our doctor at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI, tells parents they must take the flu immunizations seriously because it is dangerous, especially for children with chronic health issues. The flu is also contagious.

An annual flu shot is the only way to protect your child from the dangers of the flu. The flu vaccine is your first defense against the flu.

The following are those at a higher risk for severe flu complications.

  • Younger than five years of age
  • Those younger than two years
  • Children with chronic health conditions like asthma, obesity, immunity disorders, diabetes
  • Those who are 65 years of age or older

Why does my child need a flu vaccination every year?

  • Reduces the risk of others getting the flu from your child
  • Reduces sick day call-ins at school
  • Reduces hospitalizations
  • Reduces severe flu complications like pneumonia, dehydration, long-term medical problems, brain issues, ear infections, sinus problems, and more
  • Reduces severe flu complications and possible death
  • Prevents the spread of flu to others

You must know that the flu vaccination does not keep your child from getting the flu. This vaccination reduces the risk of the flu and protects the child from more severe flu complications and death. 

Our doctor does not intend to scare you; however, the statistics do not lie. According to the CDC, nearly 200 children in recent years have died from flu complications who were not vaccinated. The CDC speculates that this number was much higher.

Feel free to speak to our doctor about the various types of vaccinations and if your child is a good candidate for either the injection or nasal spray.

Each type has specific criteria; the doctor will discuss them with you. Most need only one injection, but some children may require two vaccinations, such as six months to eight years old.

Call Us for Your Child's Flu Vaccination

If you seek a highly experienced pediatrician or want information on immunizations, please call Dr. Mantia at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI, at (616) 538-2410 for an appointment.

Our doctor tells you which immunizations suit your child's age. Do not risk the health of your child this year by not vaccinating your child against a dangerous flu episode.

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