Schedule A Get Acquainted

Schedule A Get Acquainted Visit

At Grandville Pediatrics, we offer 'get acquainted' visits with our providers for expecting mothers and new patients. We feel it is very important for parents and providers to establish a trusting relationship early on. These 'get acquainted' visits allow parents an opportunity to meet our dedicated staff and to determine whether Grandville Pediatrics is a good fit for your family.

To schedule a 'get-acquainted' visit, please call the office at (616) 538-2410 . We look forward to meeting you!

Pro-Vaccine Office

We are a pro-vaccine office. We strive to offer the best pediatric care, form long-lasting, trusting relationships with our families and provide a safe environment for our patients by following the recommended immunization schedule. If you would like more information on vaccines or vaccine safety, click here to visit our recommended/reputable websites.

Pregnant woman

Patient-Centered Medical Home

Our practice is proud to be a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). Our health care team is dedicated to partnering with you to coordinate all of your health care needs. Click this link to learn more!

Preparing For Your First Visit

Prior to your first visit, please forward to us:

►Past medical records [ PDF ]

► A record of your immunization history

Receiving the patient records prior to the initial visit allows the provider time to review patient history for best care.

Please bring the following new patient forms to your first visit, or once completed you can email them to / (email is for form submission only, subject line NEW PATIENT)

New Patient Forms:

► Patient Registration Form [ PDF ]

► Patient Authorization Initial Form [ PDF ]

► Release of Medical Records to Grandville Pediatrics [ PDF ]

► Initial History Questionnaire [ PDF ]

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