After Hours

After Hours Nurse Call Center

Please remember that calls after our routine office hours are for emergencies only.

If you have questions about your child that cannot wait until normal office hours (see below), you can call our phone number, (616) 538-2410 and your call will be automatically transferred to our nurse call center. The nurse call center will ask you a series of questions about your child and a nurse will call you back as soon as possible. Response times will vary depending on the season and call volume. If you do not receive a call back within one hour, please call again.

Be aware that most routine questions can be addressed during normal office hours by our trained staff, who tend to know your child best. Calling our office allows for continuity of care, good communication and the best quality of care.

A provider is always on back-up call for situations in which the nurse call center requires assistance. Please understand that according to our standard protocol, we do not routinely call in prescriptions for antibiotics without seeing your child first.

Pregnant woman


If an emergency should arise, please call 911.

Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening: loss of consciousness, severe bleeding, seizure, etc. In the case of minor emergencies (lacerations, cuts, mild fractures, sprains), please call our office first for instructions.

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