Infant Development: 0-12 Months - What Milestones Should Your Baby Reach

One of Grandville's Leading Pediatric Doctors

Since 2001, this skilled, experienced, licensed, and board-certified pediatric doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Mantia, and his qualified staff at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI, have been well-versed in newborn care.

Our doctor excels in childhood diseases, diagnosis, and treatment options. He is here to explain what milestones a child should reach from 0 to 12 months.

Explaining Childhood Milestones

Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI, explains that newborn care from 0 to 12 months progressively changes during these ages. Your child is undergoing many significant changes, and we want to outline these milestones in your child's life. 0 to 12 months sets the foundation of your child's development; there are other milestones beyond 12 months.

Milestones help to define if your child is developing according to most children of their age group. A child should be displaying specific abilities at various age levels. Milestones help doctors identify any possible developmental concerns. Our doctor addresses potential problems and recommends treatment options.

Not every child follows this outline the same because each child is different. Our doctor wants to know if anything seems to hinder the child from reaching these skills.

Body Movement

  • Sitting without help
  • Using arms and legs to creep 
  • Uses hands and knees to support the body
  • Pulling themselves up to stand
  • Holds onto things to walk
  • Standing for seconds without support
  • Walks two to three steps without support

Hand and Finger Development

  • Pinches thumb and finger together to grab
  • Banging two toys together
  • Place objects into a container
  • Drops objects at will
  • Uses index finger to poke
  • Imitates scribbling

Breaking the Language Barrier

  • Listens to speech
  • Simple command responses
  • Responds to and can shake head to the word No
  • Babbles baby talk
  • Starts to say "dada" or "mama"
  • First exclamation is usually "oh-oh"
  • Tries to mimic words

Knowledge Milestones

  • Experiments on shaking, throwing, dropping, banging
  • Can explore and find objects
  • Identifies specific pictures
  • Imitates
  • Learns how to use objects, cups, brushes, and comb, listens to phone conversations, attraction to television


  • Displays shyness
  • Separation anxiety from parents
  • Decides on choices
  • Learns how parents respond to their actions
  • Begins to fear
  • Shows preference toward mother
  • Knows attention to seeking actions
  • Learns finger-feeding
  • Helps to dress self

No child has the same genetic makeup. Children develop specific skills on their unique timelines. 

Need an Experienced Pediatric Doctor?

Please call Dr. Mantia and his qualified staff at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI, at (616) 538-2410 if you seek a skilled, experienced pediatric doctor for high-quality newborn care.

Our doctor gives parents milestones and required vaccination schedules. We want to meet you and your child and assure you of the highest healthcare quality in a state-of-the-art, compassionate pediatric clinic.

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