Signs and Symptoms of Asthma in Children

As a parent, seeing your child struggling to breathe due to asthma can make you feel helpless. It is especially concerning when your child is required to go to school or even play sports and have to manage this condition on their own. Fortunately, help is available in the form of treatments and therapies for young asthma patients. Get the help that you and your child need for asthma symptoms from Dr. Jeffrey Mantia at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI.

What Is Asthma and What Causes It?

Asthma is caused by an inflammation of the passageways that lead to the lungs. Those passageways become swollen, irritated, and constricted due to irritants and other environmental factors. There are a number of factors that can cause asthma to develop:

  • Dust, pollen, and pollution in the air.
  • Cigarette smoke.
  • Leavings from dust mites and insects.
  • Animal hair.
  • The presence of mold spores in residences and schools.
  • Overactivity and stress.

Allergies and allergens in the environment are usually associated with asthma. At your initial consultation for asthma symptoms, our Grandville, MI, pediatrician will help you pinpoint the most likely causes of why your child has developed this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

The symptoms of asthma become apparent when there is a flare-up or asthma “attack.” When a flare-up is triggered, you may see the following signs and symptoms:

  • Wheezing and gasping for air.
  • Coughing.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Inability to speak.
  • Sore throat that feels raw.
  • Airways clogged with mucus.
  • Difficulty or inability to sleep soundly.
  • A feeling of tightness in the chest.

Your child’s pediatrician can help treat these symptoms with anti-inflammatory medications, bronchodilators (relax tightened airways), corticosteroids (help control inflammation in the body), and allergy shots. Quick relief comes in the form of asthma inhalers when there is a flare-up.

Asthma Help for Your Child Is a Call Away

You do not have to live in constant worry about your child’s asthma and your child has access to a number of treatments that can help with this chronic condition. Modern solutions, including medicine and therapies can help relieve the symptoms and reduce or eliminate flare-ups. Call (616) 538-2410 today to schedule an asthma checkup with Dr. Jeffrey Mantia at Grandville Pediatrics in Grandville, MI.

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